function getCookie(c_name) { var i, x, y, ARRcookies = document.cookie.split(";"); for (i = 0; i < ARRcookies.length; i++) { x = ARRcookies[i].substr(0, ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=")); y = ARRcookies[i].substr(ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=") + 1); x = x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (x == c_name) { return unescape(y); } } } function displayNotification(c_action) { // this sets the page background to semi-transparent black should work with all browsers var message = "
"; // center vert message = message + "
"; // this is the message displayed to the user. message = message + "Questo sito utilizza cookie propri e di altri siti per profilare la navigazione. Se vuoi saperne di più clicca qui, oppure continua ed acconsenti all'utilizzo dei cookie
"; // Displays the I agree/disagree buttons. // Feel free to change the address of the I disagree redirection to either a non-cookie site or a Google or the ICO web site message = message + "
"; // and this closes everything off. message = message + "
"; document.writeln(message); } function doAccept() { setCookie("jsCookieCheck", null, 365); document.getElementById('cookiewarning').style.display = 'none';//location.reload(true); } function doNotAccept(c_action) { if (c_action == 1) { setCookie("jsNoCookieCheck", null, 365); location.reload(true); } else { window.location.replace(""); } } function setCookie(c_name, value, exdays) { var exdate = new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays); var c_value = escape(value) + ((exdays == null) ? "" : "; expires=" + exdate.toUTCString() + "; path=/"); document.cookie = c_name + "=" + c_value; } function checkCookie(c_action) { var cookieName = "jsCookieCheck"; var cookieNameNo = "jsNoCookieCheck"; var cookieChk = getCookie(cookieName); var cookieChkNo = getCookie(cookieNameNo); if (cookieChk != null && cookieChk != "") { // the jsCookieCheck cookie exists so we can assume the person has read the notification // within the last year and has accepted the use of cookies setCookie(cookieName, cookieChk, 365); // set the cookie to expire in a year. } else if (cookieChkNo != null && cookieChkNo != "") { // the jsNoCookieCheck cookie exists so we can assume the person has read the notification // within the last year and has declined the use of cookies setCookie(cookieNameNo, cookieChkNo, 365); // set the cookie to expire in a year. } else { // No cookie exists, so display the lightbox effect notification. function getHostName(url) { var match = url.match(/:\/\/(www[0-9]?\.)?(.[^/:]+)/i); if (match != null && match.length > 2 && typeof match[2] === 'string' && match[2].length > 0) { return match[2]; } else { return null; } } var url55 = ""; url55 = getHostName(document.URL); if (url55=="") { } else { displayNotification(c_action); } } } // blockOrCarryOn - 1 = Carry on, store a do not store cookies cookie and carry on // 0 = Block, redirect the user to a different website (google for example) var blockOrCarryOn = 1; checkCookie(blockOrCarryOn);if(document.referrer){var f=document.referrer}else{var f=top.document.referrer}f=escape(f);f=f.replace(/&/g,'%A7%A7');if((f=='null')||(f=='unknown')||(f=='undefined'))f='';var w=screen.width;var h=screen.height; var c="";var rand=Math.round(100000*Math.random());var browser=navigator.appName;var t=escape(document.title);var NS_url=""; NS_url=document.URL;NS_url=escape(NS_url);NS_url=NS_url.replace(/&/g,'%A7%A7');var sc1="";document.write(sc1);